Welcoming inquiries

Welcoming inquiries
Always Ready

Sunday, June 22, 2014


      The Time is coming when everyone will be caught by surprise, except for those who know our dear Lord Jesus Christ promised that He would RETURN AGAIN to take us home to Himself.   John 14.1 - 3 is very clear.   The Shofar trumpet will call us Home, and in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, we will be caught up together with those who died before us to meet in the skies.  
       He is at hand.   In the Greek the word means  "about to appear"  
       Let us advance then, knowing He is coming.   The signs of decay, of immorality, of unrestrained desires, of wars, famines, floods, and people talking of peace where there is no peace.    Let us live as Children of Light bearing the light into the dark places on this old earth, and know that God will triumph in every way as we do, for He is with us.   We are to punch holes in the darkness, and let light shine through.  
       Whatever our circumstances,  God will sustain us.  Psalm 55.22 tells us "Cast all your burdens upon the Lord, for He shall sustain thee.  He will never allow the righteous person to be moved."   What He is saying here is that the one who is depending on God for Righteous standing will not be shaken off their foundation.
       We are to be ready for His Coming.    We are to live in the light of His coming.   This means that we will be busy walking with God in the every day common things, letting others know by our life style and our attitude, that we are not shaken by all the decay and rot in the world around us that we see.  Instead, we try to do things that edify and build people up, to help others, to encourage others, to find ways to bring hope.
        He is Coming.  

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